Щорічна конференція «Телебачення як Бізнес» – це одноденна концентрація медіабізнесу в одному місці. Провідні телевізійні бренди та найкращі медіаспеціалісти в модерованому потоці дискусій говорять про актуальний контент, фінанси, менеджмент та новітні медіатехнології.

Category: News

Ross Biggam about the conference “Television as Business”

биггемDirector General of Association of Commercial Television in EuropeRoss Biggam will speak at the conference “Television as Business -2011” taking place in Kiev, Ukraine on September 15. The conference holds during the unique range of media events KIEV MEIA WEEK and gathers Ukrainian and foreign media experts for discussion of current trends in television business field.

We asked Mr Biggam to answer some of the questions about the conference:

Why do you think it’s important to gather TV experts on one platform?

Because our business is moving at a quicker pace than ever before. Everything we thought we knew five years ago is out of date – so it’s important to keep an open mind and to listen to what others, competitors or collaborators, think about the future.

Do such conferences usually have any impact? You’ve got a wide experience because of annual ACT conference.

A well-planned conference can really force people to open their minds and to reconsider the way we do business. There is also an element of “showcasing” our sector to the outside world – to people such as advertisers, programme suppliers and politicians, all of whom have an impact on our sector but none of whom have the time and the need to study it in the detail they need.  

What are your expectations?

I’d like to learn more about Ukrainian media and if I can help explain some of the trends in other European countries to Ukrainian operators, I’d consider it a very worthwhile event.

We would like to remind you that Ross Biggam made a Skype presentation at the conference “Television as Business “ in 2010 and presented the topic about foreign countries’ examples of cost effectiveness and new revenue generation during the recession.


Short notice:

After studying law at Exeter and Saarbrücken, Ross Biggam worked as Legal Adviser to the House of Lords EU Select Committee before joining ITV, the leading television channel in the UK, where he ended up as Head of European Affairs.

In April 2000, he moved to Brussels to become Director General of the Association of Commercial Television in Europe (ACT) which represents thirty media companies active in 34 European countries and encompasses several business models, from free-to-air television broadcasters to multimedia groups and digital TV platforms operators.

The ACT is consulted on a regular basis by the Community Institutions on all questions impacting on the future of the Audio-visual sector in Europe, in particular with regard to digital TV and the EU Directive ‘’Television without Frontiers’’.


Conference organizer: Television Industry Committee

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